Wednesday 19 January 2011

Question 4- What have you learned from your audience feedback?


After receiving feedback from my peers and my teachers I have identified the main feedback...

  1. Strong narrative
  2. sometimes narrative was unclear
  3. good use of shots
  4. lighting was too dark in some shots
  5. liked the close ups of lips with added effect
  6. liked split screening in particular body swapping

From audience feedback, I have learned that in some of the shots the lighting is quite dark which contributes to the narrative being unclear at some points, an example of unclear narrative that many people pointed out is the shot where the main artist is seen outside standing in front of a tree and a large veichle stops, so you are not able to see that the artist is then replaced with a different girl, to reinforce the male character's womanizing ways. Another point that people felt was unclear was the cinema shot (see below) where people felt the lighting was too dark to establish what was actually happening in the narrative.  Overall I've learned that the choice of location can largely effect the quality of the shot.

In light of the feedback, for future improvement, I would perhaps reconsider the location as it's naturally quite a dark environment which we didn't initially think would be an issue. As a result of the location we chose it was difficult to convey what was happening in that particular shot, and brightening the shot on the computer would have reduced the quality slightly, so to avoid this in future I would chose a different cinema location that is better lit, to increase the clarity and lighting of these shots.

In some parts of the video it was slightly out of sync. I have learned that the way that the person in front of the camera announciates the words has an effect on putting different shots in sync. As the main artist's announciation was not imitated to the exact way of the original artist's singing  it was difficult to sync it. In light of this feedback I would ensure that the artist is a
announciating the words propperly to ensure it's as similar as it can be to the original in order for the shots to look sharper and more clear cut.

This part of the video can be seen at 00:25 secs

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