Wednesday 12 January 2011

Question 1 - In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and coventions of real media products?

The concept of mixing and matching bodies came from the music video Example - Kickstarts. We thought it would be appropriate for our video as it illustrates the characters and who the artist is being pushed aside for.
At first we were going to put colours on the green screen but after trail and error we thought it looked better as it looked rougher and complimented our video more.

We used the idea of lips to help clarify the different girls and to break up the video too. The idea of using sweets came from a previous students video, but it helped underline and amplify the different girls.

Mariah Careys Heartbreak video had an influence on our storyline. The themes are similar as they are both about a girl who finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her. We thought using the cinema was a nice touch as it was a quick and easy way to show....
Instead of the artist actually catching her boyfriend and confronting him we decided to leave the ending to the audience by showing her walking off. 

My DigiPak and advertisement are inspired by female artists who have elements of both female characteristics and a side of edginess. My ancillary products show a strong contrast between the pink (female characteristics) and the black (edginess) and I think this indicates that the artist may have a soft exterior but she is tough underneath. 
I think the line through the text is effective because it automatically changes the meaning of sweet and allows the audience to interpret it in the way they want.
An example of this is Pinks album covers, they too show Pink expressing two different sides to her through the use of colours, photos and text. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello francene
    A great start - well done. Obviously more detail is needed to be added, but you have started really well. Just a couple of comments: you mention the word 'clatify' when you are talking about the close up of the lips - I've never heard this word before...what do you mean exactly?
    I'm sure you are going to go on and do this but remember to tell us why Mariah Carey's video influenced you exactly.
    Otherwise a good start for question 1
