Wednesday 5 January 2011

DigiPak Mock Up (Planning)

Before designing  our Digi Paks we were asked to draw out designs of what we thought would represent our artist effectively. My first design was..

However after analysing it carefully, I decided to make a few small changes. Firstly, I read thought the track list again and found that most of the songs were based around relationships so it would be necessary to include this element  on the digi pak.
Another thing i decided to change was the colour scheme Idecided to go for softer colours to show her softer side. The album title Sweet Revenge' is quite sinister so I decided to put a line through 'sweet' to imply that her revenge will not be sweet at all.

The plan for my advertisement was to use the CD cover as the background. I opted out of creating tour dates because I decided that my artist is too unestablished to do a tour. So I thought ratings were more suitable.

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