Wednesday 12 January 2011

4. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The following video below is of myself and Mica another group member of my mine. Getting some feed back from other people after they saw our music video for the first time in Screen on the green in Angel Islington.

More feed back that i got from other people about my music video & ancillary print products:

"Lighting  great at times, some scenes not really visible great use. Great use of colour in the background. I loved the pace & speed of some clips, it really works well and fits the genre. Also the sweets on the lips shots works but some not in sync. However the location works & also fits the genre.-Sarah Jane"

"I like the use of green screen background, it matched beat of the song. Sometimes i think it was a little out of sync.The video had a lot of things going on in it which made interesting.-Callum"

"I loved the whole theme of your Digi Pack and advertisement it matched each other really well and i could see the connection between them and the music video.-Jasmine"

"The bright colours in your advertisement worked really well with each other and the text were suitable for each product, i liked it a lot well done.-David"

Below is a wordle brain Storm image which highlight's the most important words that keep on coming up in our feed back.This helped me to see which words come up more frequently than others to describe the good and  bad points of our music video and ancillary print products.

My thoughts on my feed back:

 After reading and hearing all the feedback about my music video, Digi Pack and advertisement. I have noticed that I received many positive and constructive comments about my work. One thing that stood out to my target audience is the use of colour through out all of my products it seemed like they loved the fact that my music video was extremely colourful and up-tempo. They also liked our unusual body swapping and the shot with the hundreds and thousands on it. They found it very interesting to watch and it reminded them of a real music video. So that part of the feedback was really, positive and I enjoyed hearing it. I also got some constructive feed back about bits that I could improve for example some parts of the video are slightly out of sink and that the artist performance could have been a lot stronger. When I watched back my video, I agreed with them. Therefore, if I were to do it again I would spend more time synchronizing up the track to the clips priestly. I would also make sure that the lead singer feels much more confident in front of the camera. I would do a quick warm up exercise to make her feel a lot more relaxed and chilled out. On a whole I believe that my feed back was very positive and that it made me look at my video in a different light.


  1. Jovan - I love this video! The bit that made me laugh was where you cut Dan off mid sentence...
    Great audience feedback. Now you need to add in what you've learned from the audience feedback, so perhaps a video of yourself discussing some of the comments that have been raised, or a short blog entry including some screen shots relating to some of the areas that people feel could be improved along with notes on how you would improve them. something like that.

  2. And - just to say that I won't leave comments on the other questions as you've not put anything up for them...
