Wednesday 12 January 2011

Question 2: How effectively is the combination of your main product and ancillary advertisment

I think my music video and ancillary products link relatively well however it does have some strengths and weaknesses. I think the main weaknesses in the link of my ancillary products and my music video is the visual style. in our music video there is urban scenes such as the main artist out side in some shots whereas others were done in the studio up gains a green screen , where we then changed the colours too bright primary colours. So there was already a contrast in the visual style in our music video, however I believe this worked really well, as it conformed with the conventions f an indie-pop music video. the pop aspects was represented from the colourful footage taken in the studio where as edgy rock aspect was represented by the outside shots. I believe this combination of visual style worked well and the audience reaction also suggested this.

  however i found it difficult to create my ancillary products so it had a pop feminine feel and an edgy rock feel. The contrast between the pastel shades and and darker grey shades did not work particular well. 
              In order to combat this issue I used images directly from my music video  and on the photo shoot i tried to take similar images so it keeps with the visual style of a pop indie digipak .
These images are stills from my music video and they show my visual inspiration for my advertisement.

Overall I think my ancillary Texts went quite successful and my target audience will be attracted to it for a variety of reasons:

  • Similar colours used in the video and products 
  • artist is styled the same 
  • the artist is on the front cover and on the inside therefor they will easily be able o associate her and he music video. this is particular use full especially for a new indie pop artist.
  • Images have been used from the video on the products so the audience will easily be able to link them .

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