Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of digipak (research)

I think this album cover makes a statement therefore it attracts teenagers. It also has the artists name in a clear bold font; this is vital for an upcoming indie-pop artist as it helps them to get recognition. The images used are also fun. In each box there is a separate image, for my digipak I think this is something I can use for inspiration as we have used a lot of squares with different images in them.

This digipak has the main artist ‘PINK’, who fills up the majority of the front cover, and the back cover. The image is in black and white and there is pink writing over her but the transparency has been changed so you can see the artist under the writing. This relates to our genre as it is simple, however affective as the image used represents a rebellious girl; and our female teenage audience will be attracted to this. This digipak relates to our pop indie genre because of the color used, and the font type. 

 This Digipak stand out to me quite a lot, because of the use of colours and the general layout and design of the digipak.  Compared to the digipaks above I think this one looks alot more professional, this is due to the fact that 'Amerie' is a more established artist.  I think this digipak relates to my genre and audience as it looks edgy and some of the images and colours used can appeal to an indie-pop audience. The use of blacks and darker colours on the digipak fits in with the indie scene and it will attract our target audience. The main images in this digipak is the main artist and I think this is important for an upcoming artist as there audience will be able to recognise them straight away.

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