Monday 13 December 2010

Analysis of our final video

Overall I feel our video was very successful and had many strengths aswell as weaknessess. We incorporated many of the idea's we initially pitched and stuck to the planning accordingly. I feel that our video was very strong in a sense that we tried to incorporate various media elements, some of which include split screening. The video also had a strong narrative story that  differed completely from the original video. In general I particularly liked the parts in our video where we matched different faces with different bodies. To improve the quality of our video in the future I believe that the performance of the artist could be more energetic next time to convey the element of fun that we tried to project. We could also use more of a variety of shots and perhaps include some panning shots. In addition to this I feel that we should perhaps cut back on the narrative a bit more. And finnally after watching the video thouroughly I have concluded that some parts of the video are slightly out of synch which could also be perfected to a higher standard in the future.

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