Monday, 13 December 2010

Photo's that I'm planning on using for my digipak and Advertisement

Digipak pictures

I am going to use this close up image as the artist is new it is important for the audience to identify her easily. I am also considering using this image as through researching many digipaks I have seen that looking into the camera is a common convention of female artists. The image is also clear and edgey.

I am considering using this image as it represents the fun and girly/innocent side we were trying to convey for our artist.

Photo's for Advertisement.

I am going to use this image as I plan on using it on my digipak and I want to show continuity and follow basic media conventions. It also reinforces the artists fun girly side as she is seen smiling.

I am going to screen shot my album cover and incorporate the album on the advertisement so the audience can quickly establish who the artist is due to the visual link and continuity between the digipak and the advertisement which again follows basic media conventions.

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