Friday, 3 December 2010

Analysis of 3 advertisements that relate to your genre (research)

This is an advertisement for Katy Perry' tour 'The calofornia dreams'. As we can see the creators of this advertisent have opted for a animated theme, with Katy Perry positioned centre of the poster in an animated format. This creates a fun and playful effect, it's also creative in that amiation on advertisements isn't a typical convention making it stand out bringing the artists character to life. I feel that this makes her audience identify with her as she depicts herself as quite a fun character which is represented by the advert. The use of  the colour pink convey's her girly side whilst the blue hair maintains her edgier side. The artist's name is written in Large pink font which is eye catching and immediately engages her audience. Important information as to when tour dates are and how to obtain tickets are situated below the image. I personally feel the font size is ideal but perhaps could have been in a different colour so it's more clear. Her album cover can also be seen in the bottom left hand corner, which I have identified is a typical convention when considering advertisements as it creates a visual link with the artist and thus promotes the album.

I feel that this advertisement relates to our artist as she is potrayed as a fun colourful character which is conveyed through the animation and use of colour. She is also shown as quite girly but edgy at the same time which is the image we tried to construct for our artist. Through researching numerous advertisements I have concluded that colour is an essential factor in defining your artist.

This advert has a different approach in that the artist is not featured on the poster. I personally feel that this isn't a very good method of advertisement as La roux isn't as well established as other artists yet so therefore I feel she should have been on the poster in order for her audience and others to be able to identify her. Also as there are a number of different artists names written on the poster, although La Roux's name is written ina  larger font then the others for an on looker who isn't sure who La Roux is it would be difficult for them to establish who's tour it actually is. However, I do like the colour scheme as I believe its largely appealing and suitable fo her genre of Indie pop Music. The colour scheme creates a young, hip and fresh effect which is very representative of La Roux and her up tempo music. Some of the text is written in bold white font which immediately catches your eye and stands out from the rest of the poster. Again important information such as tour dates, contact and record label info are situated at the bottom of the ad along with the logo of the funding orginisation 'NME'. This relates to our artist as La roux is an indie pop artist like ours, who is young, fresh and vibrant and not quite etsablished as yet.


Marina and the Diamonds uses the same image and font from her album cover which immediately allows her audience to establish a visual link between her album cover and the ad. She is seen looking at the camera, which creates a more intimate feel. The text is bold and white which stands out on the dark background. Typically the important information is seen below, written in small print. Marina and the diamonds relates to our artist as she is fresh and fairly new to the music industury. Her music is up tempo and of the indie pop genre like our artist.

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