Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Do's and Dont's of design work (planning)

- Use a clear font.
- Use appropriate sizes for both images and fonts.
- Use clear, in focus images so the audience can see at a glance.
- Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page.
- Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition when taking photographs.
- Use an appropriate type face that follows genre conventions and a particular style.
- Be careful where you place the font. The font should follow genre conventions and be clear from a distance.
- Follow the conventions of the three colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for images, font and background.
- Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioning the barcode, date, copyright, titles and artist names.

 -Stretch images
- Use layer styles 
- Use unnecessary effects that do not suit the genre
- Use a font just because you like it. What you may like, may not fit in with the target genre and therefore the target audience.
- Feel like you need a different photo for every panel. Be creative in what you are doing.

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