Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Do's and Dont's of design work (planning)

- Use a clear font.
- Use appropriate sizes for both images and fonts.
- Use clear, in focus images so the audience can see at a glance.
- Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page.
- Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition when taking photographs.
- Use an appropriate type face that follows genre conventions and a particular style.
- Be careful where you place the font. The font should follow genre conventions and be clear from a distance.
- Follow the conventions of the three colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for images, font and background.
- Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioning the barcode, date, copyright, titles and artist names.

 -Stretch images
- Use layer styles 
- Use unnecessary effects that do not suit the genre
- Use a font just because you like it. What you may like, may not fit in with the target genre and therefore the target audience.
- Feel like you need a different photo for every panel. Be creative in what you are doing.

Analisis of Advertisments (research)

I think this type of advertisement would work well for our artist; as it contains a large image of the artist and her name is in a large clear font. This enables her fans and possible target audience to identify her easily. The bold font and the colours used stand out therefor it takes a short time for a person to process the information therefor making it a successful advert.

The bright colour scheme is youthful, the use of a bold black font and a black and white image gives this advertisment an edgey feel therfor making it appealing to an indi-pop audiance menmner. The name of the group is in a large bold font and it isblue, this causes it to stand out from the rest of the poster as it does not follow the colour scheme. However the size of the font for some of the information is quite small.

The colours and the layout of this advertisement would be appealing to an indi pop audience. The use of dark colours and a hint of red symbolises a rebellious youth. In addition the font is large and white therefor is stands out against the dark background. The most important information such as the name of the artist and the date of the gig is in a thinner font therefor it stands out from the rest of the writing.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Photo's that I'm planning on using for my digipak and Advertisement

Digipak pictures

I am going to use this close up image as the artist is new it is important for the audience to identify her easily. I am also considering using this image as through researching many digipaks I have seen that looking into the camera is a common convention of female artists. The image is also clear and edgey.

I am considering using this image as it represents the fun and girly/innocent side we were trying to convey for our artist.

Photo's for Advertisement.

I am going to use this image as I plan on using it on my digipak and I want to show continuity and follow basic media conventions. It also reinforces the artists fun girly side as she is seen smiling.

I am going to screen shot my album cover and incorporate the album on the advertisement so the audience can quickly establish who the artist is due to the visual link and continuity between the digipak and the advertisement which again follows basic media conventions.

Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design idea's (planning).

As our artist is quite fresh, young and vibrant I want to this potray this as best as I can...below is a short list of my initial idea's. . .


  • Lucida Sans
  • Chalk Duster
  • Zapfino


  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Purple
I will use some of the colours listed above, as I want to stick to the colour theme but not all of them.


For the front cover I will have a large close up image of the artist in order to follow common digipak conventions and to establish an intimacy between the artist and the audience. In addition to this I will use the close up to convey the artist's edgy side. I will run a continued white background along all the pannels and will have a continued theme of either musical notes, butterflies or love hearts to establish the artists girly side and to contrast her two main characteristics, Girly and edgy.

Analysis of our final video

Overall I feel our video was very successful and had many strengths aswell as weaknessess. We incorporated many of the idea's we initially pitched and stuck to the planning accordingly. I feel that our video was very strong in a sense that we tried to incorporate various media elements, some of which include split screening. The video also had a strong narrative story that  differed completely from the original video. In general I particularly liked the parts in our video where we matched different faces with different bodies. To improve the quality of our video in the future I believe that the performance of the artist could be more energetic next time to convey the element of fun that we tried to project. We could also use more of a variety of shots and perhaps include some panning shots. In addition to this I feel that we should perhaps cut back on the narrative a bit more. And finnally after watching the video thouroughly I have concluded that some parts of the video are slightly out of synch which could also be perfected to a higher standard in the future.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Analysis of Final Video

As a whole, I think our video went quite well. We stuck to the main idea that we pitched and tried to get the story across as much as possible.
If we had another opportunity to do this again, I think I would pay more attention to planning and time keeping as I feel we spent a lot of our time filming. As a consequence, we didn't have a lot of editing time and had little time to re-shoot shots that were too dark or un-useful.
To improve our video I think I could have performed the song better as I feel this would have made it stronger.

DigiPak (plannig)

We decided to go for a brightly coloured theme for our digipak to express our artists character and individuality. We thought neon colours like pink, yellow and green would stand out as well as link to the video. We also thought including lips on the pak would make it easier for the audience to relate and identify the two with.

The artist is outgoing, edgy and independent and we wanted this to show in the track titles. Below are a few titles we ahve chosen for the back cover:
*So What?
*On the edge
*Late night

Here is a picture of what I feel would be effective for our digipak.

Final Video Feedback

After our music video was screened at the cinema, we filmed a few people on there feedback and opinions on it.
(video will not upload)

Overview's of Do's and Don'ts of design work (planning)



-Use a clear font
-Use an appropriate image in terms of both size and appearance of image
-Plan effectively
-Use time efficently
-Be creative
-Think carefully about postioning of image and text
-style of text should follow typical media conventions
-Possibly establish visual links to in order audience to identify with artist
-Act on feedback and constructive critiscism


- Use innapropriate images or fonts that do not represent the genre or follow basic media conventions
-Don't stretch images as it reduces the quality
-Don't spend too long on one thing, if it doesn't work move on and try somethingelse.
-Don't try to be too ambitious if it isn't feesable.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Analysis of Advertisments (Research)

I chose this advertisement because there is a strong correlation with the album cover. This is significant because it allows fans to identify the two and in turn encourages them to buy the CD or attend the concert. The colours used are quite bold and sinister and they are carried across the two products. The same picture on the CD is used at the centre of the advertisement to draw attention to the artist. I think they work well together because you can immediately recognise their similarities.   Themes used in these products are also used throughout the artists music videos.

This advert is very eye catcthing, the use of graphics and colour automatically indicate that the genre of the music is pop. A picture of Madonnas album is featured in the bottom corner and exhibits the same themes. Although she is striking different poses, she is wearing the same outfit which makes it incredibly easy to identify with. Madonnas name is the largest text on the advert, followed by the tours name. This is done  so that the audience can see what the artists name is and not be confused with the tour title.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Analysis of 3 digipaks that relate to your genre (research)

Marina and the diamonds is an Indie pop artist. The digipak for her debut album consists of bold italic text in white which consequently stands out. 'Marina' is larger then all the other text which shows dominance and level of importance. She is looking into the camera, a convention that I have learned is quite typical of female artists which along with the close up shot of her ensures a intimate effect. The background is a sandy colour which contrasts quite micely with her hair. The album is entitled family jewles which corresponds cleverly with the artist's name.

The back of the cover features only her filling the majority of the space  within the frame and theres a consistency of the white bold italics. She is seen looking into the camer once again.

Florence and the machine is another indie pop artist. This is conveyeed through the use of mise en sce i.e. the costume she is wearing and the flowers. This creates a visual link between her video and her digipak as these elements are seen in her video 'dog days'. The text again is in white bold italics which indicates a sense of free spirit. As the text of bold italics is quite prominent across various female artist digipak's I think I may opt for this type of text when producing my own digipak. Unlike the Marina and the diamonds digipak Florence is looking away from the camera and the shot used is a midshot. The digipak is also alot more busy then the marina and the diamonds which I think at the moment I prefer as it kind of brings the digipak to life.

The back of the cover doesn't have an image of her but continues the theme of the heart at the front. The background is black  and thus creates a dark and sinister effect.In my digipak I think I may chose to have my artist at the back as well as the front instead of just at the front.
This is Lilly Allen's digipak. Again we can see the background for the front cover is quite busy with lots of things going on. A medium shot is established and she is looking directly into the camera which again initiates an intimate feeling between her and her audience. This has a link between my artist as the images in the background indicate that she is fun and young and this is ultimately the message we were trying to project with '4 letter word'. Rather then simplu listing the track titles they are animated on the back cover which I personally like.




Analysis of 3 advertisements that relate to your genre (research)

This is an advertisement for Katy Perry' tour 'The calofornia dreams'. As we can see the creators of this advertisent have opted for a animated theme, with Katy Perry positioned centre of the poster in an animated format. This creates a fun and playful effect, it's also creative in that amiation on advertisements isn't a typical convention making it stand out bringing the artists character to life. I feel that this makes her audience identify with her as she depicts herself as quite a fun character which is represented by the advert. The use of  the colour pink convey's her girly side whilst the blue hair maintains her edgier side. The artist's name is written in Large pink font which is eye catching and immediately engages her audience. Important information as to when tour dates are and how to obtain tickets are situated below the image. I personally feel the font size is ideal but perhaps could have been in a different colour so it's more clear. Her album cover can also be seen in the bottom left hand corner, which I have identified is a typical convention when considering advertisements as it creates a visual link with the artist and thus promotes the album.

I feel that this advertisement relates to our artist as she is potrayed as a fun colourful character which is conveyed through the animation and use of colour. She is also shown as quite girly but edgy at the same time which is the image we tried to construct for our artist. Through researching numerous advertisements I have concluded that colour is an essential factor in defining your artist.

This advert has a different approach in that the artist is not featured on the poster. I personally feel that this isn't a very good method of advertisement as La roux isn't as well established as other artists yet so therefore I feel she should have been on the poster in order for her audience and others to be able to identify her. Also as there are a number of different artists names written on the poster, although La Roux's name is written ina  larger font then the others for an on looker who isn't sure who La Roux is it would be difficult for them to establish who's tour it actually is. However, I do like the colour scheme as I believe its largely appealing and suitable fo her genre of Indie pop Music. The colour scheme creates a young, hip and fresh effect which is very representative of La Roux and her up tempo music. Some of the text is written in bold white font which immediately catches your eye and stands out from the rest of the poster. Again important information such as tour dates, contact and record label info are situated at the bottom of the ad along with the logo of the funding orginisation 'NME'. This relates to our artist as La roux is an indie pop artist like ours, who is young, fresh and vibrant and not quite etsablished as yet.


Marina and the Diamonds uses the same image and font from her album cover which immediately allows her audience to establish a visual link between her album cover and the ad. She is seen looking at the camera, which creates a more intimate feel. The text is bold and white which stands out on the dark background. Typically the important information is seen below, written in small print. Marina and the diamonds relates to our artist as she is fresh and fairly new to the music industury. Her music is up tempo and of the indie pop genre like our artist.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Ananlysis of 3 digipaks

This cover of Katy Perry features her looking straight into the camera which is a common convention of females artists. She is wearing a revealing pink outfit and is surrounded by things associated with girl's. This is contradictory to her album title 'One of the boys'.
however, the lighting is quite dark which brings elements of manliness and indicates that she has a sinister side.

I chose this Digipak as it is a contrast to the previous one. Its colour scheme is very calming, the lighting is used in a way to reflect off of the guitar. The guitar and colours are used throughout the Digipak which shows consistancy and carries the same theme. The cover doesnt feature the band, however they are well established and the guitar brings a rock element which indicates the genre.

This Digipak is based around the same themes as our artist. It has two contrasting colours, grey and pink which compliment eachother and suggest that Pink has a dark and edgy side to her.The picture of Pink is very fierce and makes her look strongand independent.

Analysis of digipak (research)

I think this album cover makes a statement therefore it attracts teenagers. It also has the artists name in a clear bold font; this is vital for an upcoming indie-pop artist as it helps them to get recognition. The images used are also fun. In each box there is a separate image, for my digipak I think this is something I can use for inspiration as we have used a lot of squares with different images in them.

This digipak has the main artist ‘PINK’, who fills up the majority of the front cover, and the back cover. The image is in black and white and there is pink writing over her but the transparency has been changed so you can see the artist under the writing. This relates to our genre as it is simple, however affective as the image used represents a rebellious girl; and our female teenage audience will be attracted to this. This digipak relates to our pop indie genre because of the color used, and the font type. 

 This Digipak stand out to me quite a lot, because of the use of colours and the general layout and design of the digipak.  Compared to the digipaks above I think this one looks alot more professional, this is due to the fact that 'Amerie' is a more established artist.  I think this digipak relates to my genre and audience as it looks edgy and some of the images and colours used can appeal to an indie-pop audience. The use of blacks and darker colours on the digipak fits in with the indie scene and it will attract our target audience. The main images in this digipak is the main artist and I think this is important for an upcoming artist as there audience will be able to recognise them straight away.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Analysis of 3 digipaks that relate to your genre (Research)

I believe that the following album cover by “LA ROUX” relates to my artist “4LW/4 LETTER WORD” , because you can straight away see that  the albums are from the same pop/indie genre as my artist because the front cover image is of  La Roux the female artist. Which you can see straight away that she has a bit of attitude and that she is funky but also fun. This is portrayed by firstly that the image La Roux is a side close up shot of her face. This shows that she is strong mined and that she has a edgy look about her. I also believe that the bright orange/red colour used in the background represents the whole fun and young colours, which reflects the target audience as fun teenagers that just like to have fun and party.

I also believe that lily Allen’s also has a huge link with my artist. Her Digipak is the perfect representation of a good a female pop artist cd album. It has the artist right in the centre of image so that her target audience and fans would recognise her straight away because she is wearing a similar dress with trainers that she wears in the smile video which is one of the debut singles featured on the album. So as soon as her fans go into the local music store such as hmv they will recognise the album straight away. Plus she is on a bike and has gold ghetto big earrings in her ears. This also represents that her target audience maybe young girls between the ages of 13-17 were their own sense of style is trying to break through. In addition the colours used and the funky text seems more compatible with a younger audience rather than an older audience, because if the album was made for an older audience it would have less effects on it and it would be more simple.

Finally I believe that Examples Album cover relates to the whole pop genre because the text is written in bold green Text. Plus the album cover follows the same traditional themes of the music video for “Kick starts” because example is in the same type of text which appears at the beginning of the music video. Also the images of the artist sees him in many different costumes just like in the video where his body is being swapped around and being replaced with other peoples body’s and legs. I think this cover relates the most to my artist and her genre because my music video has strong features in it such as the shot with “The lips covered in sprinkles”.  It easy recognisable by the target audience, plus it also fun, playful and abstract; which kind of sums up our target audience life style.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Final Edit (production)

Examples and analysis of videos that follow amplification,disjuncture and illustration(Research)


I believe that this video has and underneath theory to it. This because in the video Beyonce acts as if she was a boy and the roles are switched.  This makes the whole theme of the video have a different meaning behind it.


This another good example of disjuncture because the artist Katie Nash is telling the story but about what is happening in her video. It is as if she is the narrator telling the audience a story.


The following video represents illustration well  because the lyrics of the song do not have any connection to the video. The video is just a basic video of the two artist Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj just performing the song but the video it self does not have allot of links to the lyrics as far as i am concerned.

Photos from filming sessions(Production)

The images above are of our filming session throughout the last month.