Friday 1 October 2010

Reflection of lip synch tutorial- photos (planning)

The Set
 I found the lip synch tutorial helpfull as it will help us with the filming and edting of our music video. we used final cut pro to edit our video and synch it. Befor we started off the filming process we set up our performing space. As we wanted to create a dark atmospere we turned off the light and turned on the spot lights on instead. This created an 80s atmopsphere.

Jovan performing
We all took turns to film, this re-introduced us to using the cameras. This activity made us realise how difficult it is going to be to perform a song in front of the camera without feeling embarresed. As we got into it a bit we felt a lot more comfertable with each other and in front of the camera. we all had a turn in front of the camera, some of us were more comfertable with in than others. I think the main reason for this was the fact that we didant no the words of the song particuly well and we all got a bit tongue order to help with that problem we had to hold up the song words for the performer.

holding up lyrics
Inorder to make the synch prosess easier and to create a belivable video it was importaint that we actully sung the song words instead of mimining as this can look amature.                                                   

We filmed from different an therefor we were able to have a variety shots for our final edit. We were  instructed to film the song three times from different angels, inorder to be able edit  and synch it.

After we filmed all of our footage we uploaded it onto finalcut. The first thinng we had to do was chose the clips we wanted to use in our video.


We started off by uploading the song we were performing onto final cut pro. We then had to chose a word from the song that we will 'mark' on all of our videos. We chose the word 'freak'. On the videos we chose to use in our video we had to mark the word freak, this allowed us to synch the video to the music.

When we were filming we didant film the sonnga all the way throught so the editing and synching process was alot difficult that it would normally be.

Overall I found this task intresting but stresfull at the same time, because it was hard to work with the footage we had. 

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