For our final song choice we have chosen The Ting Tings 'That's not my name. Initially we chose to a song called ouch by Ndubz however felt that as their video had too much of a strongly narrative based structure, it would be to difficult to differ from this and make our video original.
The concept of our video is " a rebel without a cause on a mission to put an end to her lovers wondering eye, however in the end enough is enough" We chose this song as it elimated the expected genre of R&B of which typically consists of cliche love stories or half naked women. We felt that this song was an upbeat, energetic and interesting choice as far as narrative structures are concerned as there are a number of possible ideas that could work successfuly with this song. As the original video does not follow a distinctive narrative pattern and is very representative of disjunctre, it allows us to incorporate our own ideas and inject a bit of orginality into our finished product, avoiding the possibility of our video looking too similar to the original.
How our video will differ from the original ...
The original video does not have a narrative structure and so therefore the narrative is not illustrative of the lyrics. As there is no narrative the video rely's greatly on repetition and performance from the particicpant of which is the lead singer. For our video we decided that we should have a couple who are having issues due to the boyfriends obvious interest in other girls, paying little or no interest to his girlfriend. We will include a range of different female character stereotypes for the boyfriend characters love interests, such as the typically 'sexy one', the sporty one and the geeky one. The video will consist of the narrator constantly trying to regain his interest in her. Towards the end we have decided as a group to include an element of disruption where the tables are turned and she becomes disinterested and he is the one chasing after her. We will incorporate split screening of different individuals eyes, face, mouth and nose to create one face, A technique as seen in many other video's. We also intend on making use of a green screen and including close ups of numeral different coloured lips. As the song is also very energetic we want to keep that energy level up by including a performance from our participant which will be the lead singer. However to keep the audience engaged we will keep this at a minimum so the video does not become too repettitive.
The original Video
Examples of video's where the use of split screening ideas have worked well
Exhibit 1:
Exhibit 2:
Close ups of lips
Overall I feel that our video will strongly differ from the video and has the potential to be really great!
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